How to Cope with Depression?

How to Cope with Depression?. Pixels

When you’re depressed, you can’t just will yourself to “snap out of it.” But these coping strategies can help you deal with depression and put you on the road to recovery.

If a person feels sustained, intense feelings of sadness or loss of interest in activities, they may have clinical depression. People also refer to this condition as major depressive disorder.

But there are small steps you can take to help you gain more agency in your life and improve your sense of well-being.

Meet yourself where you are

Depression affects millions of people, including some in your life. You may not realize they face similar challenges, emotions, and obstacles.

Being open, accepting, and loving toward yourself and what you’re going through may help you navigate depression.

Meet yourself where you are. Pixels
Meet yourself where you are. Pixels

Consider a walk around the block

On days when you feel you can’t get out of bed, exercise may seem like the last thing you’d want to do. But exercise and physical activity can help reduce symptoms of depression and improve energy levels.

Research suggests that, for some people, exercise can be as effective as medication at relieving depression symptoms. It may also help prevent future depressive episodes.

Consider a walk around the block. Pixels
Consider a walk around the block. Pixels

Even when you feel you’re unable to or have little energy, see if you’d be willing to do the opposite of what your mood tells you to do. Instead, set a small goal for yourself, such as walking around the block.

Stay in touch

Don’t withdraw from life. Socialising can improve your mood. Keeping in touch with friends and family means you have someone to talk to when you feel low.

Stay in touch. Pixels
Stay in touch. Pixels

Be more active

Take up some form of exercise. There’s evidence that exercise can help lift your mood. If you haven’t exercised for a while, start gently by walking for 20 minutes every day.

Be more active. Pixels
Be more active. Pixels

Talk to a therapist

Working with a therapist is often an important part of successfully managing depression. “Psychotherapy will focus on helping people adjust their lifestyle in ways that are possible, minimize their stress, and cope with stressors,” says Dr. Nelson. Among the issues that you can address together are how to improve your self-esteem, switch from negative to positive thinking, and practice stress management.

Talk to a Therapist. Pixels
Talk to a Therapist. Pixels

Express yourself in writing​ to cope with depression

Writing in a journal is great therapy and can help you manage depression. You can relieve stress by being open about your thoughts, feelings, and concerns in your writing — and stress management is an important part of living well with depression. Be totally honest in your private journal.

Express Yourself in Writing. Pixels
Express Yourself in Writing. Pixels

Writing down your feelings and challenges with depression can release pent-up emotions. You’ll be amazed at how much better you feel after putting pen to paper for just a few minutes each day.



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